Sunday, November 30, 2008

How data communication (packet) are deliver from client to PC1

  • Client are using FTP command to transfer file to PC1. He/She will initiate ftp command and used port 20 (to transfer data) and 21 (For command eg:login and password)
  • TCP stack will resolve the host name (PC1) to IP address. This is done by query DNS server or local DNS.
  • Once destination IP resolved, destination IP is compared to local subnetmask to determine destination address are local or remote.
  • If destination address is local, resolve MAC address of target device, but if destination address is remote then perform route resolution to identify next hop router (local route or fwd to default gateway)
  • Resolve IP Address to MAC address of default router to forward packet to appropiate destination (PC1)

Friday, November 28, 2008

How computer communicate with each other

Have you ever wonder, how PC communicate with each other on the network? Basically, this is how a pc build a packet to be send out on the net (eg :ftp to PC1)
1) Port resolution (‘ftp’ = port 20 or 21)
2) Name resolution ("PC1" =
3) Route resolution (where is PC 1 - Local@remote)
4) MAC address resolution (Ethernet address for "PC1" is 0x00-00-1B-22-3E-11)

Cool..Didn't get yet? Don't worry, there are many people out there who are willing to help you to better understand about TCP/IP network. Anyway i will start to give an explanation on the basic network.

TCP/IP Intro

When I was introduced to TCP/IP, its was back 14 year ago. On that time internet still not popular at Malaysia and for me, i'm big fobia with computer even to touch it because i'm afraid that i may screw up the PC. Until 1 day my friend introduced me to IRC. Starting from there i started to learn about computer and eventually i found out that networking is so interesting to learn. WHY?
You might found it here in my blog tcpipguide.